Focus on logistics newsletter-American company claims $1.25 million from EVA Shipping

American home furnishing giant company claims $1.25 million from EVA Shipping

Bed Bath & Beyond, an American household goods retail giant, recently filed a claim against EVA Shipping through the Federal Maritime Commission, amounting to about US $1.25 million. The lawsuit filed by BBBY includes allegations that the carrier violated FMC service-related regulations, fulfilled only 20% of the agreed capacity commitment, and wrongly collected container delay fees and demurrage fees within two years.

According to 3B Home, EVA Shipping promised to provide a certain number of cargo space for 3B Home, but the actual capacity provided is far from being achieved. According to the documents provided, EVA promised to provide 1,250 FEU of cargo space from 2020 to 2021, but only fulfilled 256.84 FEU. In 2021-2022, although the promise increased to 750FEU, the actual capacity provided was only 455.92 FEU.

Due to capacity shortages at EVA Shipping, 3B Home was forced to look for shipping services from other sources at higher prices, sometimes even having to abandon shipping altogether, the document noted. That cost the company about $4 million in extra payments as it switched to the spot market.

In addition to the shortage of capacity, 3B Home also accused EVA Shipping of imposing prices and surcharges outside the contract as a precondition for its service provision. The company said that EVA's relationship with 3B Home was based on continuous bargaining, rather than on agreed contract rates and service commitments.

The lawsuit adds to controversy over the shipping industry's "unfair" practices during the pandemic. It comes after 3B Home has filed claims against OOCL and Yangming Shipping totaling about $38 million. The complaints all point to operators trying to exploit the chaos caused by the pandemic to adopt similar practices.



       3B家居称,长荣海运承诺为3B家居提供特定数量的货运舱位,但实际上提供的运力远未达到。据提供文件数据显示,2020年至2021年期间,长荣承诺提供1250 FEU的货运舱位,但仅履行了256.84FEU。而在2021-2022年,尽管承诺增加至750FEU,实际提供的也仅为455.92FEU。



